Thursday, November 22, 2012

9 Surprising Benefits if you Sleep Well

9 Surprising Benefits if you Sleep Well

Nov 19 (3 days ago)

to me
Please watch the educational film of 18 minutes produced inhouse by us for Everyone's Awareness.
Title:   " Sleep...Its wonderful, isn't it?"
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Click: Sleep Video

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 4:08 AM, Alok Tholiya <> wrote:

9 Surprising Benefits if you Sleep Well

If you're getting less than the recommended seven or eight hours of sleep a night, here are nine reasons that you should shut down your computer, turn off the lights, and go to bed an hour early tonight.
1. Better health.
2. Better relations with spouse
3. Less pain. If you have chronic pain -- or acute pain from a recent injury -- getting enough sleep may actually make you hurt less.  Many studies have shown a link between sleep loss and lower pain threshold. Unfortunately, being in pain can make it hard to sleep.
Researchers have found that getting good sleep can supplement medication for pain. If pain is keeping you up at night, there are also medications available that combine a pain reliever with a sleep aid.
4. Lower risk of injury. Sleeping enough might actually keep you safer. Sleep deprivation has been linked with many notorious disasters, like the destruction of the space shuttle Challenger and the grounding of the Exxon Valdez. The Institute of Medicine estimates that one out of five auto accidents in the U.S. results from drowsy driving -- that's about 1 million crashes a year.
Of course, any kind of accident is more likely when you're exhausted, says Jodi A. Mindell, PhD, a professor of psychology at St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia and author of Sleep Deprived No More. "When you're overtired, you're more likely to trip, or fall off a ladder, or cut yourself while chopping vegetables," she says. "Household accidents like that can have serious consequences."
5. Better mood.
6. Better weight control.
7. Clearer thinking.
8. Better memory.
9. Stronger immunity.

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